How to Play Ceme Online

How to Play Ceme Online

Blog Article   -  Ceme Online game or commonly called Domino Dealer game is one of the online gambling games that uses cards as the game media, before starting the ceme game of course you have to choose whether you want to be a player or want to be a dealer. Actually, the way to play ceme is not much different from the dominoqq game, but what makes it different is that the dominoqq game only uses 4 domino cards, while the ceme game only uses 2 domino cards.

Do you already know the types of card series in this ceme game? If not, I will give a complete explanation. Here it is:

It should also be noted that in one set of domino cards it is divided into 7 card series and of course each card has its own value. Here is a complete explanation of the types of domino card series:

1. Card Series 0 (Empty)
A total of 7 cards and each card has an empty side at the bottom and top.

2. Series 1 Cards
A total of 6 cards and each card has one large circle on the bottom or top.

3. Series 2 Cards
A total of 5 cards and each card has two circles on the bottom or top.

4. Series 3 Cards
A total of 4 cards and each card has three circles on the bottom or top.

5. Series 4 Cards
A total of 3 cards and each card has four circles on the bottom or top.

6. Series 5 Cards
A total of 2 cards and each card has five circles on the bottom or top.

7. Series 6 Cards
Only 1 card has six circles on the bottom or top.

that's the type of card series found in the ceme game, next I will also explain how to calculate this Ceme Online game, here's the explanation:

How to Calculate the Ceme Online Game
To be able to find out the calculation in the ceme game, just count the number of circles on each card on the left side and add it to the total number of circles on the right side. Don't forget that the highest value is 9. If the result is more than 10, 20, or 30, the number taken is the number from the last digit of the result. Below is an example of how to calculate Ceme cards as follows:

Number of Players in the Ceme Online Game

The Ceme game is only played by 2 to 8 players. Several players will be given a Black Chair and one player will be the dealer who is given a Red Chair to distinguish that he is a dealer not a player. As discussed at the beginning, before starting this ceme game, one of the players must act as a dealer and if no one wants to take the role of a dealer, this game cannot be played.

Each player gets 2 cards that will be given by the dealer. But before the cards are given, the dealer will give 10 seconds for all players to place bets in the game. When the time given runs out, the dealer will distribute cards to each player again.

Each player is given 15 seconds to choose the cards they have, then they must open and compare the cards they have with the cards held by the dealer.

How to Determine the Winner in the Online Ceme Game

In the Ceme game, of course every player who wants to be a winner must be able to have the highest card value. I will explain in detail below:

If the Player Wins
If the player's card value is greater than the dealer's, the dealer will pay the player's bet amount.

If the Dealer Wins
When the value of the card held by the dealer is greater than the player's, the dealer is the winner and is entitled to the bet money from each player.

When a Draw Occurs, the Dealer Wins
If the value of the card held by the player and the dealer has the same value or is a draw, the dealer will win and the dealer will get all the player's bet money back.

Qiu Card - Player Wins
If the player has a 9 or qiu card, the dealer must pay 2x the player's bet value.

Qiu Card - Dealer Wins
If the dealer has a 9 card, the dealer will take all the bets on the table even though the player has a higher value.

Special Cards in Online Ceme Games That Have Jackpot Values

Special cards in the Ceme game only apply to get the Jackpot. Because special cards must be divided into 4 card parts, therefore the dealer and player must combine their cards to be able to get the jackpot prize. However, it should also be noted that in order to get the jackpot, each player must buy the jackpot. That way, you can get the opportunity to get even greater benefits from the combination of special cards that have the jackpot value. Here are the special card combinations:

1). Six Gods Card
Each player or dealer must be able to get a card with a total of six dots from both the top and bottom dots. The point is that the cards owned must have a value of 6.

2). Balak Card
The top and bottom have the same number of dots, including empty.

3). Big Pure Card
Pure Bedar is the third card position in the special card. If you or the dealer have a card with a total of circles between 39 and 43, then you already have a Big Pure Card.

4). Small Pure Card
If your card and the dealer have a total of circles between 6 and 9, then your card and the dealer are Small Pure Cards.

After you understand the order of the special card combinations, I also share how to calculate the jackpot payout in this online ceme game:

The jackpot position in the Ceme Online game is as follows:

6 God Card: 6666x

Balak Card: 200x

Big Pure Card: 50x

Small Pure Card: 50x

How to Get a Jackpot in the Ceme Game is as follows:

To get a Jackpot prize, players or dealers must buy a Jackpot in each round of the game. There are Jackpots of 100, 500 and 1,000/2,000. Jackpots of 1,000 and 2,000 are only for VIP Tables.

Example: Jackpot 100 and get a 6 God Card, therefore the payment is 100 x 6666 = 666,000

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